Frequently Asked Questions
Applying for a Grant FAQs
Applying for a Grant FAQs
We would urge you to read our guidance information before completing the application form which details what we fund, eligibility and the stages of our application process.
The application form can be downloaded from our website to be completed by the submission date. Once completed, the application form must be emailed to [email protected]
Our application form can be downloaded from our website and must then be emailed back to [email protected]
We have kept our application process as straightforward as possible.
There is only one form for you to complete which can be downloaded from our website and then emailed back to [email protected].
Once this has been emailed back to [email protected] it will be shortlisted and moderated before a final decision is made by our Board of Trustees.
Our grants cycle is open once a year with a strict deadline. Notification of the outcome of your application will take place in July 2025.
Our application process opens on Monday 14th October 2024 and closes on Friday 6th December 2024. The result of whether you have been granted funding will not be made until July 2025 and payment will then be made in September 2025.
Please get in touch with us directly and confirm the change in circumstances so that we can make an assessment on whether we are able to proceed with considering your application.
No. We do not consider applications made by individuals. A list of which groups we fund can be found in our guidance document.
Yes. Ideally, we would like applicants to be from WMCA region but we will accept applications from outside of this area if the project takes place within a local authority who is a member of the West Midlands Combined Authority.
No. We only accept one application per organisation. The first application received will be the one we consider for a grant.
No. We will not fund a project that requires funding over several years. We only fund projects that can be implemented and completed within 12 months of payment.
Yes. Please note however it is possible for an organisation to apply and be successful in receiving a grant for up to 3 consecutive years. Following this, the organisation must allow a gap of at least one calendar year before they can submit any further applications. After which, the same 3 consecutive years rule will apply once again.
We only accept one application per organisation per year.
Yes. Grants are available up to £20,000.
As we wish to maximise the impact of our grants, we encourage grant applicants to apply for smaller grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 in this grant cycle. This will mean that we can potentially help more organisations. There will still be the opportunity for a few larger grants (of up to £20,000) to be given but in the main we will be concentrating on helping the wider community with smaller grants.
We want to know what the project is about and how you will be carrying it out. It is important to us that we have as much
information as possible to help us when it comes to shortlisting your application. Please state what the SMART goals or
objectives are for your project.
S = Specific; M = measurable; A = Achievable; R = Realistic; T= Timescale
We will need to know the length of the project, when you intend to start it, when it will finish and all of the key milestones.
We would request that specific details are provided on what the grant will be spent on. It is important that you clearly identify the item/activity along with the associated cost. Please note that if you are intending to host an event with a speaker, we would expect you to identify the name of the speaker and their cost.
Hopefully you will not have any issues but if you do please email [email protected] and we can send you a Word document form to complete and / or provide advice.
We will notify all applicants of the outcome of their application whether successful or unsuccessful in July 2025. It is unlikely you will hear from us until this time.
We will notify all applicants of the outcome of their application whether successful or unsuccessful in July. It is unlikely you will hear from us until this time.
We will notify all applicants of the outcome of their application whether successful or unsuccessful in July 2025. It is unlikely you will hear from us until this time.
We will provide you with the necessary details to complete and return promptly. Once payment is made in September, you will have exactly 12 months to finish your project and utilise the funds.
It is crucial to ensure that you adhere to the project plan as outlined in the application form. No changes can be made to how the grant funding is used, and the funds should be spent in accordance with the approved application form for the resources/services listed in the budget section. If any issues arise, MPT must be contacted for advice and guidance on how to proceed.
STEM Grant Application Guidance
This guidance is intended to assist organisations in applying for funding from the Millennium Point Trust’s STEM grants programme and does not cover any of our other funding streams.

Get in Touch
We believe chatting is better than typing.
Whether your looking to apply for funding, or have a question, our friendly trust team are here to help.
Complete the form on the right and a member of our team will be in touch with a response within 48 hours.