Going green to support St John’s Ambulance Day

Published 25/06/2021
3 minutes Read

Millennium Point is delighted to light up green, doing our bit to support #StJohnsDay2021.

What is St John Ambulance Day?

St John Ambulance Day is all about celebrating the great work they do, while raising awareness that your support is needed to help train more volunteers and save lives. On average it costs around £100 to fully train one St John Ambulance volunteer. For every volunteer trained, they could go on to support up to 12 people, meaning more lives will be saved by this great organisation.

Our Auditorium goes green

On Thursday 24th June, we lit up our newly refurbished Auditorium in St John Ambulance’s iconic green, to show our support to all the great volunteers who work tirelessly in our community. As a mass vaccination centre, we have first hand experienced the instrumental work that St John Ambulance volunteers have done, to help protect lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is our way of saying thank you for everything they do.

How to get involved

Every contribution helps towards training more volunteers to support this fantastic organisation. There’s so many fun and creative ways you can get involved, from singing karaoke with songs that use the word “green”, to taking part in a green jelly tower competition. If you’d like to get involved or find out more, then please visit www.sja.org.uk/green.

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