Sustainability is a journey, not a destination
Gaia has green message to visitors
Luke Jerram’s mission behind Gaia is to make visitors aware how incredible our planet is and more so, how important it is to protect it, by implementing sustainable actions in everyday life that have a positive impact on the environment.
How Millennium Point is doing our bit for Global Warming
As an award-winning landmark building, it is vital to do our part to aim to be as sustainable as possible. As times have changed, Millennium Point have adapted to try and become greener to protect our planet and promote the importance of sustainability. Having Gaia at Millennium Point we hope it transfers the same thought-provoking action that is needed to make a change.
Little changes make a big difference
At Millennium Point a range of processes have been put in place to ensure we aren’t wasteful or adding to our carbon footprint:
- Energy Management and the journey to net zero carbon are at the heart of all our decisions.
- We try not to create waste but where we do, we segregate and recycle as much as we can.
- We encourage staff, tenants and visitors to make green travel choices.
You can see our Environmental Policy here.

Millennium Point's Green Accreditations
Green Meetings
The new standard for sustainable meetings & events.
For over 25 years Green Tourism has assessed and accredited the sustainable practices of businesses. Now, we’ve created a new standard specific to meetings and events venues.

Greengage is the world’s fastest growing sustainability community offering accreditation, consulting and education for the hospitality, travel & events industry.

Birmingham and West Midlands
Air quality across the West Midlands region has improved and in 2019 was down to 37 days of poor air quality per year (rated 4 or higher on the Daily Air Quality Index); a decrease of 9 days less than the previous year. In June 2019, the WMCA declared a climate emergency and set a Zero-carbon target for the West Midlands by 2041. Their ambitious plan is to reduce carbon emissions requires action from all of us, including:
- Businesses signing up to the Net Zero Business Pledge
- Changes in the provision of energy through Energy Capital
- Substantial tree hedge planting record through the Virtual Forest
- Coventry will be the first UK city to have all electric bus system by 2025
Measure your local areas emission sources
The Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) uses exclusive data sources and modelling capabilities in a freely available platform to help cities measure emission sources, run analyses, and identify strategies to reduce emissions — creating a foundation for effective action. Measure your local areas emission sources by clicking below.

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Alternatively, pick up the phone and give us a call now on 0121 202 2200.