Five Ways You Can Use Millennium Point’s Event Spaces (as shown by Star Wars Characters)

Published 03/05/2020
3 minutes Read

Disclaimer: The content of these photos in this blog were taken in May 2019, for further information on our response to Covid-19 please see here.

Whether you’re a scruffy-looking nerf herder from Tatooine or emperor of a fascist galactic government, it’s important to know how to organise a (Star)killer of an event. To celebrate Star Wars Day, here are five ways you can use Millennium Point’s award-winning venue as demonstrated by the good, the bad and the bantha fodder of a galaxy far, far away.

But first, a quick tip for a warm, welcoming reception
In cooking, they say the first bite is with the eye, and in the events and hospitality business that’s no different. Your event begins the moment your first delegate steps over that threshold so it’s important to make sure you impress them with the first “bite”. Having someone at the door to greet guests is a great way to make them feel welcome right from the off. Speak to one of our events team for more advice on this and check out our numerous packages for receptions.

It also means you can sniff out any rebel scum who may be trying to enter without registering to blow up your superweapons.

FN-2476 (above) won “Best Smile” four years running at the Sith Academy Awards

Workshops, Training and Away Days
When you’re running a fascist dictatorship that spans an entire galaxy, it’s important to keep your staff engaged and motivated. Their wellbeing is key to a strong galactic empire, lose them and you might find them breaking out a TIE fighter and escaping with fugitives to join your rivals.

At Millennium Point we have several spaces perfect for workshops, training days and away days but our client favourite must be Connect on level 2 of our landmark venue. Connect has four interconnected spaces so can be opened or segmented to suit the needs of the day.

Connect 1 and 2 can be opened into a spacious boardroom for up to 24 delegates, perfect for a motivational workshop. This space comes with slick projection facilities that will make you feel on the cutting edge of workshop delivery.

DN-7421 named Employee of the Month in Connect (Boardroom style)

Event space is the largest room in Connect and has ample space for more activity-based training and development. Whether it’s conducting pivotal competitor analysis…

The Rebellion has been consistently praised for their equal opportunities and diversity ethic.

…or refining the accuracy of your Stormtroopers in the hope that one day they might shoot something.

No apples were harmed in this training session…
…unfortunately the same couldn’t be said for TK-447 though (left)

Concourse is a great break out space for secret plotting

Concourse, also on level 2, is great breakout space for when you’re having a break. It sits in a high footfall area and overlooks the future site of Curzon Street station opposite, the first international terminus to be built in the UK since the 19th century!

“I thought we agreed it was you who would be bringing the biscuits” – Lord Vader

Party it up in Platform

Platform is our large open plan event space on level 1 of the building which sits underneath our giant auditorium. It’s a great versatile space that can cater for almost any event, from exhibitions to conferences, performances, quizzes and of course, parties!

His banter is also said to be top-notch after he’s knocked back a few Fuzzy Tauntauns
Lord Vader’s Wine & Cheese mixers are renowned throughout the galaxy.

Platform features multiple screens, optional staging and AV as well as a fully licenced bar which means an ideal setting if you’re missing those cantina vibes on Tatooine.

TN-217 makes a mean Death Star cocktail by the way

Sit back and watch the silver screen in Auditorium

Our 354-seat auditorium is equipped with dazzling AV and a giant 24m x 12m screen ideal for keynotes, presentations and big announcements.

It’s also a great space to treat your subordinates to a bit of downtown with a film featuring your best bits, a video game tournament or interactive games and performances.

Atrium makes the best backdrop for a photo

If there’s one thing the Galactic Empire can teach us, it’s the importance of looking good. Even when their plans are being consistently thwarted by a bunch of teenagers in a rust bucket, you can’t deny they look good failing.

Category is… “Stormtrooper Realness”

Our Atrium on level 0 of our award-winning venue is not just a popular space for public exhibitions, galas and expos but also as a backdrop for the silver screen, the smaller screen and for photoshoots.

Acting as the central hive of activity in our landmark public building, Atrium has a fascinating open-air aesthetic that must be seen to be experienced.

1FN-117 was approached for a job by Louis Vuitton after this snap.

…and that concludes our list of five ways you can use Millennium Point’s event spaces! For more information on our 17 versatile venue spaces available head over to the venue section of the website.

Special thanks to Central Legion who joined us in 2019 to take these photos and delighted our visitors to the building on a very hot afternoon.

Stay safe, stay connected and May the 4th be With You.

Note: This blog was written as a light-hearted article to commemorate Star Wars Day. Millennium Point does not condone the actions of the Galactic Empire nor has any affiliation with either side of the Galactic Civil War.

Find more interesting content from Millennium Point over at our news section, or follow us for daily updates on FacebookTwitterInstagram and LinkedIn with @MillenniumPoint.

Millennium Point is a landmark public building and multi-award-winning events venue in the Eastside of Birmingham City centre. Profits from our commercial activity are invested by the Millennium Point Charitable Trust into projects, events and initiatives which support the growth of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) and education in the West Midlands. 

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